
Ozonolysis Ozonolysis Definition: Alkynes treated with ozone (O3) will be cleaved at the triple bond to form carboxylic acids. Terminal alkynes give carboxylic acid and carbon dioxide (CO2). Ozonolysis Explained:…

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Oxymercuration Oxymercuration Definition: Alkynes treated with mercury (usually HgSO4) and water will be hydrated to give ketones, via an enol intermediate. Oxymercuration Explained: Hydration of alkynes is similar to the acid-catalyst addition of the water to alkenes, but the…

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Hydroboration Hydroboration Definition: Hydroboration is the treatment of alkynes with BH3, followed by H2O2 in which aldehydes and ketones are obtained. Hydroboration Explained: Hydroboration is a two-step reaction sequence which proceeds via an anti-Markovnikov addition where installing a hydroxyl group at…

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